Friday, September 12, 2008

Rock me like a hurricane...

I'm watching the 17 ft waves on the news topping the seawall on Galveston just south of us. We are hunkered down in our one story house. It's 12 hours before the eye of the hurricane comes ashore. There is still the ~12+ ft storm surge and then the maybe 10+ inches of rain. The question now seems to be how much JSC will flood, not whether. Our house will be above the flooding, but we are probably going to see hurricane force winds here starting at 9 or 10 pm tonight.

More later.


TxGambit said...

Howdy. We will be hunkered down too. We are far enough from the storm surge and flooding also (Pearland)...

Good luck and stay safe!!

Rachel said...

Eeeep! Stay safe. We're thinking of you guys.